Dr. Malykhin is Professor of the Ecology Faculty of the Novorossiysk Branch of the Kubanian State Technological University in Russia. Previously, he was a researcher at the Biosphere Geochemistry Research Institute. He has a master's degree in geology from Rostov State University and a doctorate in geochemistry from Krasnodar Polytechnic University. Dr. Malykhin has published over 30 scientific papers on geology, biology and biogeochemistry and is interested in the ecology of the world's coastal mega-cities.

Also he is the president of non Government organization 'Green lungs Novorossiysk'. The main purposes of this organization are Creation of an Arboretum and park in Novorossiysk and consolidation of non Government ecological organizations. The huge help in this is rendered by LEAD International which has allocated grant ($ 30 000) on the joint project (by Yury Malykhin, Andrey Ozharovskii and Ilia Zaitsev) 'Creation of an Arboretum and park in the City of Novorossiysk'

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