Dr. Zilov is a senior researcher in the Institute of Biology at Irkutsk State University, where he is working in the field of environmental conservation and theoretical and applied ecology. He received his master's degree in biology from Irkutsk State University in 1985, where he studied the development of bio-assay for mutagenic activity detection. Soon after, he worked in the field of mathematical modeling on the basis of field experiments. He received his doctorate in 1990 from the Kiev Hydro-Biology Institute for application of his methods with the problems of assessment of stability of aquatic ecosystems. He has worked in the United States, Tanzania, Germany and Denmark. In 1988, he was elected to the Scientific Council for Ecological and Economical Systems Analysis and Modeling, and in 1993 to the Council of Directors of International Tahoe-Baikal Institute and in 1995 to the International Society for Ecological Modeling. He has published more than 70 papers and one handbook

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