Andrei Ivaschenko is education program coordinator and IT expert of ECO-Accord Centre. He is responsible for the development of “Green Pack” (project of Regional Ecology Centre for Central and Eastern Europe and ECO-Accord) in Moscow Region.

In 2000-2007 Mr. Ivaschenko supported European ECO-Forum information centre and was responsible for ECO-Forum web-site and electronic newsletters as well as maintained ECO-Forum data base. He is also engaged in research in the fields of global climate change with focus on ecology of Arctic and Antarctic region. This research is conducted by Moscow State University and Russian Academy of Science with annual summer season expeditions in these regions.

He has a number of publications in scientific magazines in Russian and English on ecology, e.g. carbon flux, ecosystems dynamics, etc. Mr. Ivaschenko interests are related to sustainable development, education for sustainable development, problems of human and wildlife adaptation and survival in conditions of climate change.

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